Sunday, September 16, 2012

London Day 2 - Trip Back to South Kens

Tube station
After an afternoon nap (that felt oh so good), we traveled two tube stops east to South Kensington, the tony neighborhood where Ally lived when she studied in London.   

South Kens pedestrian mall
The first big surprise was when we left the tube station…what had been a busy street had been converted into a lovely pedestrian mall surrounded by small restaurants offering just about every type of food you could imagine. The center of the area had tables and chairs for outdoor dining.  It was quite nice.

Tourist photo!
London house
We walked from the tube station up past the Victoria & Albert Museum to 56 Princes Gate – the Pepperdine house.  It was still looking stately, and Ally said the light was on in her room.  The students would just be starting fall semester…ah, the memories!  We continued our walk into Hyde Park, looking at even more memorials erected by Queen Victoria to her dead hubby Albert.   

Outside Royal Albert Hall
At the edge of the park was Royal Albert Hall, another tribute to – you guessed it – the dead Prince Albert. Ally’s like “Geez, Victoria…he’s dead. Get over it already.”

We ended up dining at one of Ally’s favorite London restaurants – the Beirut Express. It was Lebanese food, and it was delicious. I had chicken skewers with a paste-like garlic sauce that was to die for. Ally had okra stew, and Jorge had lentil soup with a salad.  Of course we started out with hummus!  A very nice meal and it definitely lived up to Ally's "we HAVE to eat there" pleas.

On our way home, we stopped outside of the now-closed Starbucks to see if the wireless internet was still working and if it spilled outside of the store.  It did!  So we downloaded Twitter and other stuff before heading back to the apartment. This would become a nightly ritual on our way home from our daily travels.

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