Sunday, September 23, 2012

Barcelona Day 4 - A Very Gaudi Day

The FC Barcelona game wouldn't be starting until 10pm (yes, you read that right...10pm), so we did some more sightseeing early in the day.

Sagrada Familia

Our first stop was the Sagrada Familia church, the masterpiece by odd artist Antoni Gaudi of Barcelona. This church has been under construction since 1882...and is scheduled to be finished in 2026. More on this tomorrow, as we arrived too late to get in and will return for the tour. Needless to say, Ally was not impressed.

We continued on to Park Guell, another Gaudi project. It was originally meant to be a well-to-do community, but nobody bought into it so Gaudi just said "WTF...I'll make it into a park." It does offer nice views of Barca out to the sea, but unfortunately it's not the part of town with the cool architecture. 
Posing at Park Guell

The park does have a great town square that is surrounded by bench seating all made using Gaudi's signature ceramic mosaic. This place was crawling with tourists, all jockeying to get photos of their companions sitting on the benches. It was fun to just observe how rude and clueless some tourists are about stepping in front of others to get photos. We took a few, and a nice fellow snapped this photo of the three of us.

This was so far the hottest day we've had in sky, bright relentless sunshine and more than a little muggy. We decided to walk down from Park Guell to the metro stop rather than take the bus, and the sun was so bright that even with sunglasses you couldn't  distinguish what was in the windows of the shops we were passing by.

We got back to our apartment and had about 90 minutes to chill and nap before heading out to the soccer game - the highlight of our trip!

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