Saturday, September 15, 2012

London Day 2 - Early Morning Risers

It's officially Day 2 in London, but we sure didn't get much done. Our goal was to try and stay up as late as possible so we could get on a London schedule. I think I made it to 7:30 last night, Jorge and Ally not much later. Jorge and I both work up at 4am today, Ally says she was up since 2:30am. We did discover the kebab place across the street stays open until 5am; could see the place from our window...didn't look like they had much business.

Not having internet in the apartment is turning out to be more annoying than we'd thought.  We're now sitting at Starbucks, having a coffee and using their wireless.  Have a feeling this is going to be a habit while in London. This place doesn't seem to have heard of "whole wheat", so while Jorge got the coffee Ally and I walked the area checking all of the bakeries and other coffee shops looking for anything healthy.  Not a lot of luck, but did settle on a small baguette that looked more wheaty than white and had seeds on it.

Since we're up early, we're heading out to the Portobello Road market in Notting Hill first, then we'll wander over to South Kensington to where Ally used to live, and then we'll head to Stamford Bridge where we can mock the giant John Terry photo at the stadium. Since Chelsea has an away game at 2:30, we're going to try and find a pub in the area to get the experience of watching a soccer game with the local hooligans. 

Tabs report on Kate's topless photos
The big news over here is the topless photos of Kate Middleton. We aren't seeing the photos, mind you, but hearing the debate over this "dreadful invasion of royal priv-acy." The BBC hosts did say you could find the pics on the internet if you were so inclined. Loved one tabloid's headline of "Kates's Gone Titters!"

We did have a small issue with the water heater at the apartment. It was supposed to be set for 24-hour continuous hot water, but Ally found her shower to be of the cold water variety.  Felt a bit for her as we heard her squeals coming from the bathroom.

Signing off for now...heading out to explore.  

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